Custom Fractal Aleph One Images.
$Header: /cvsroot/aleph1/Aleph\040One/docs/gallery/custom/index.html,v 1.2 2003/07/29 15:03:54 jmmcg Exp $
Custom Fractal Images Generated by Aleph One.

A custom fractal using zn+1=(cosh(zn))2+c.

A zoom into the custom fractal using zn+1=(cosh(zn))2+c.

Another zoom into the custom fractal using zn+1=(cosh(zn))2+c.

A very deep zoom into the custom fractal using zn+1=(cosh(zn))2+c, very close to the tip of a Mandelbrot set within it.

A 3-d render of the 4-d custom fractal using zn+1=(cosh(zn))2+c, looking at it from 45o from the z-axis. Wanted to look at a fractal hyper surface? This is it. The light source is positioned "above" the surface. This is looking at the shadow generated by the hyper-surface to the right-side of the first image on this page.

A 3-d render of the 4-d custom fractal using zn+1=(cosh(zn))2+c, looking at it from -45o from the z-axis. This is a serious infinite fractal hyper-surface... Infinitely rough... The light source is positioned "above" the surface. This is looking at the shadow generated by the hyper-surface to the left-side of the first image on this page.

A zoom in of the 3-d render of the 4-d custom fractal above.
Copyright © Jason M McGuiness, 2003.