Mandelbrot Aleph One Images.
$Header: /cvsroot/aleph1/Aleph\040One/docs/gallery/mandelbrot/index.html,v 1.2 2003/07/24 18:52:31 jmmcg Exp $
Mandelbrot Set Images Generated by Aleph One.

A zoom into the Mandelbrot set, colouring per level-sets.

Another zoom into the Mandelbrot set, colouring per level-sets.

Yet another zoom into the Mandelbrot set, colouring using distance estimation.

Another zoom into the Mandelbrot set, colouring using level sets.

A 3-d raytraced render of the 4-d Mandelbrot set, using full transparency (including specular reflection), shading and depth cueing. In this case the light source is a point source situated at the origin, which is in the "base" of the set, i.e. in the centre, at the right of the image in the centre of the wider, blue area. The ray-tracer is a full 4-d ray-tracer that creates a 3-d shadow, that then has the z-coordinate depth-cued, and "hidden line removal" to give the resultant 2-d image, with a "fading into the distance".

A higher quality 3-d raytraced render of the 4-d Mandelbrot set, using full transparency (including specular reflection), shading and depth cueing. In this case the light source is a point source situated at the origin, which is in the "base" of the set, i.e. in the centre, at the right of the image in the centre of the wider, blue area.

A 3-d raytraced render of a zoom in to the tip of the 4-d Mandelbrot set, using full transparency (including specular reflection), shading and depth cueing.

Another 3-d raytraced render of a zoom in to the tip of the 4-d Mandelbrot set, using full transparency (including specular reflection), shading and depth cueing.
Copyright © Jason M McGuiness, 2003, including all images.